I have the same problem. According to info at Duelist's website, we're supposed to get another advanced quest from the Hookline NPC, but when I go to him, all I can do is sell fish. Is this a glitch, or are we missing something?
I caught both fish the bearracuda on fire it is a fire fish i caught one in commons and other in savastard. the other fish taddpole i think was life, also when i turn in the last 2 fish no place to go, now Game, it takes thousands of xp points to reach level 5 and get new spells and all you get for catching a fish is 11 points, this will take forever to level 2 levels. Please tell me you gave more thought about fishing than just dropping players off at GH with nowhere to go for more XP..:(... I will do as the posting here says, maybe check Mooshu but if i cant earn xp points to level up for more spells i might as well stop fishing.
In testing, the quest before Grizzleheim where he asks for 7 fish sent you to Krokotopia and Mooshu in addition to areas of Wizard City. They changed it when it went into the live release for some reason.
Barracuda is a fire fish I believe but I maybe wrong. And I am pretty sure that there isn't a fishing quest in Mooshu Yet, because I searched for fishing spots in all the possible realms for quests and rare fishies.
I have caught all the WC and GH fish went back to WC to see the guy but no quest like it said he would have. I assume this is a glitch but man . It also said in the guide that fish are attracted to their own school lures. The fish I had trouble getting ended up being caught when I tried another school :( Is very frustrating :(