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Banned PvP TC can't be used in the deckathalon

Jun 28, 2009
So I'm a recently returned player and I encountered an issue going into the deckathalon. Turns out you can't use TC that are banned in PvP which I think is absurd. I've been crafting treasure cards for years and now that they serve a good purpose I'm not allowed to use the crafted cards I make because they're banned. Why ban the PvP cards from the Deckathalon? It's not a PvP event and doesn't need to have that limit put on it.

Jan 19, 2010
I agree, very disappointing.

Mar 16, 2009
What cards are you trying to use? I am using the Brandon Treasure Cards, which are marked as No PVP, and I am not having this issue.

If you're trying to use a Sun Enchantment TC on an attack spell, those are forbidden from the Deckathalon and have been even before spells like Epic and Colossal were banned from the PVP Arena.