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Jan 09, 2010
I fought my way to the top of the Upper Grand Chasm 14 times and still i can't find the empty Crystal that I'm supposed to find,the last hall i go through puts me back out of the building,what should i do i can't fulfill my quest without it?

May 20, 2010
A lot of wizards go into the wrong locker.

To get to the correct one, go down the path to the right at the entrance, then go all the way to the end. The correct locker has a white glow. The locker with the golden/yellow glow is the wrong one.

You'll have to go through 4 or 5 levels. Always head straight ahead when the battle is over to get to the door to the next floor. In the middle of the top floor is a large bookcase full of crystals. You can't miss it.

Jun 14, 2009
Have you tried switching realms? That some times helps. You may also have a bug. Contact tech support.

Jan 09, 2010
sparky194244 wrote:
I fought my way to the top of the Upper Grand Chasm 14 times and still i can't find the empty Crystal that I'm supposed to find,the last hall i go through puts me back out of the building,what should i do i can't fulfill my quest without it?
I fought my way to the top of the Upper Grand Chasm 15 times now,and i am in the right building because it showed the crystal on my quest map.I went straight through instead of looking around each level this time and still no Crystal nor on the floor or on a shelf,I'm getting tired of fighting the same enemy.If i can't finish this quest,how can i get ride of it? I'm at 51 level and i can't progress very fast until this is done and over with,there is no bug,and i do know my way around most of the levels i have been playing for a year now.Can you help me Please. Thank you Sparky 194244

Mar 12, 2010
sparky194244 wrote:
sparky194244 wrote:
I fought my way to the top of the Upper Grand Chasm 14 times and still i can't find the empty Crystal that I'm supposed to find,the last hall i go through puts me back out of the building,what should i do i can't fulfill my quest without it?
I fought my way to the top of the Upper Grand Chasm 15 times now,and i am in the right building because it showed the crystal on my quest map.I went straight through instead of looking around each level this time and still no Crystal nor on the floor or on a shelf,I'm getting tired of fighting the same enemy.If i can't finish this quest,how can i get ride of it? I'm at 51 level and i can't progress very fast until this is done and over with,there is no bug,and i do know my way around most of the levels i have been playing for a year now.Can you help me Please. Thank you Sparky 194244

Okay. Two things I can suggest:

1. When I was in the Grand Chasm, I kept having trouble with my yellow quest helper arrow. I didn't realize that it was pointing me in the wrong direction. This happened espeically when I was doing quests like Edrik's Vault ("Just Charge It") and Locate Vault 1933 ("One Good Deed"). Before I knew I had a problem, I had gone into the wrong vault, got to the end of it, and then found out that what I needed wasn't there.

So I had to re-start, and using just my map, I evenutally found the right vault.

I know that you said you were "sure" that you were in the right vault. You might want to re-check that.

2. "If" you "are" in the right vault, and you have now done it "15 times", and what you need isn't at the end of the vault, then that would tell me there is something wrong with the vault / quest. At this point, you might want to send an e-mail to support@wizard101.com and explain the problem to them.

It would help them a lot if you give them the "name of the quest" you are working on, your character's name, and your username.

Other than that, I'm stuck too !

(Note: I did send an e-mail to support about the quest helper problems, and just yesterday I got another reply from them saying that they are aware of the problems and they are still working on a "fix" for this. "Thank you" Support. :D )