I'm a grandmaster artisan. I went to the Science Center in Celestia and spoke with Humphrey Thatcher to purchase a recipe for a Life/Death robe for my Life Wizard. There's a robe recipe like this for the Death School, but not one for the Life School. Is it somewhere else or is it not available for some reason? Please advise.
I'm a grandmaster artisan. I went to the Science Center in Celestia and spoke with Humphrey Thatcher to purchase a recipe for a Life/Death robe for my Life Wizard. There's a robe recipe like this for the Death School, but not one for the Life School. Is it somewhere else or is it not available for some reason? Please advise. Wolf Silverblade
i'm pretty certain humphrey has the robe recipe for every combination. some of them, i think, are out of order. if you search through all his recipes, you'll find it. -eli darkthorn, legendary conjurer