Does anyone know a quick and easy way to receive the regeant ' Sunstone '? I'm having a bit of an issue receiving them. All help is greatly appreciated.
Does anyone know a quick and easy way to receive the regeant ' Sunstone '? I'm having a bit of an issue receiving them. All help is greatly appreciated.
~ Scarlet Iceblade, Promethean Thaumaturge
well david the first time I got sunstone I had no clue what it was. I have three now and I got them from my magic nest and that's included in the prehistoric bundle so that's the only place I know to get them.
I have a sunstone. My best prediction for me to get it next (I haven't played long) is the nightmare pack, so it might be a while. If I find a quicker way, I'll tell you!
I need sunstone as well. It's for the Grandmaster Crafter Badge quest right? I have same problem I am currently trying to research which plant gives them and which world you can find lots of them in. As soon as I find out i'll check back in.
Does anyone know a quick and easy way to receive the regeant ' Sunstone '? I'm having a bit of an issue receiving them. All help is greatly appreciated.
~ Scarlet Iceblade, Promethean Thaumaturge
The higher your crafting level the harder the reagents get. My crafting wizard has 4 different crafting tables and many transmutes. I have also used the Grizzlehiem Ice Forge a few times.
Visit the vendor in the corner of Celestia Base camp he has many transmutes available and you will need a card making table for them.
Does anyone know a quick and easy way to receive the regeant ' Sunstone '? I'm having a bit of an issue receiving them. All help is greatly appreciated.
~ Scarlet Iceblade, Promethean Thaumaturge
Sunstone is available in the bazaar sporadically for around 3,000 - 3,500 gold each. They can also be had by gardening "Evil Magma Peas" if you have some crowns available. EMP's drop Sunstones frequently and level 9 pet mega snacks at elder. Two great things for one price. Michael
Does anyone know a quick and easy way to receive the regeant ' Sunstone '? I'm having a bit of an issue receiving them. All help is greatly appreciated.
I got most of my Sunstones from farming Sandstone in Zafaria, and switching realms when I found a good area. Only high level enemies drop Evil Magma Peas, so unless you have access to them, Sandstone is your best bet.