Hey i am just another Wizard on Wizard 101 an i need help like really badly. Everything is going awesome in wizard101 since i got a membership but.... i have this quest for crafting and i just need one ore ingredient ( sorry if i didnt spell that right ) which i cant find ANYWHERE! So can somebosy write me back to see if they can help me? Or tell me in person my name is Ellie JadeGem. Thx. This will help i am lvl 26 but almost lvl 27 so if you younger lvls need help write me! So just help me plz plz PLEASE!
Hey i am just another Wizard on Wizard 101 an i need help like really badly. Everything is going awesome in wizard101 since i got a membership but.... i have this quest for crafting and i just need one ore ingredient ( sorry if i didnt spell that right ) which i cant find ANYWHERE! So can somebosy write me back to see if they can help me? Or tell me in person my name is Ellie JadeGem. Thx. This will help i am lvl 26 but almost lvl 27 so if you younger lvls need help write me! So just help me plz plz PLEASE!
Feeling: Needs Help ASAP! :?
~ Ellie JadeGem :D ~
By the time you read this , most likely you have already found one ore. I would suggest completing the rest of your quest in Krokotopia first , before trying to finish the crafting quests. As you travel around Krokotopia working on quest , you should find more reagents than you need. Always try to save the crafting quest for the end of the world , same with the books , and the zeke quests.