Anyone willing to help me acquire 4 centaur treasure cards for my balance wizard? I am willing to make a fair trade. Please post what you would like as trade.
Anyone willing to help me acquire 4 centaur treasure cards for my balance wizard? I am willing to make a fair trade. Please post what you would like as trade.
They have to be crafted, unfortunately.
And they're a pain to craft. The reagents for them aren't cheap, or easy to get. There needs to be a way to get all the crafting treasure cards from drops so that the schools that can't craft them don't have to go around begging for someone to craft them for them.
Or you could make a life wizard on your account to craft the cards...
and since you can't trade treasure cards between your own characters, you find someone you can trust to trade them to so they, in turn, can trade them to your balance wizard... see, simple as that! crafting is quite the pain, isn't it? -eli and crew
Or you could make a life wizard on your account to craft the cards...
and since you can't trade treasure cards between your own characters, you find someone you can trust to trade them to so they, in turn, can trade them to your balance wizard... see, simple as that! crafting is quite the pain, isn't it? -eli and crew
All of which means that people who choose to play solo and who don't have friends can't craft OR they have to pay for two accounts.
With most of the reagents for the high level equipment being so hard to get, there is no valid reason why the treasure cards shouldn't be available to buy at least at the archivist. forcing those treasure cards to be crafted doesn't do anything to simulate how hard it is to make the equipment, it doesn't make the equipment rare, it doesn't do anything that I've heard given as excuses. It just makes it tedious and frustrating.
One more good idea that could be cool, that no one wants to attempt because it's such a pain. Games are supposed to be fun, not tedious, irritating, annoying, and painful.
Anyone willing to help me acquire 4 centaur treasure cards for my balance wizard? I am willing to make a fair trade. Please post what you would like as trade.
Let me know a time or place to meet. I can make the cards for you.
Many items that need to be crafted don't seem to be that unique and to me not worth the effort, gold, crowns, etc to create them.
I also would like 4 cards to create a deck for my life character, but the only advantage is to increase the limit of 1 extra card of none life cards to the deck. I went ahead and bought the recipe for my character that is a master craftsman only to find out that these cards aren't available to him.
I think KI needs to make real advantages to items that are crafted. I also feel they need to make real (and different) advantages to items that are bought with Arena Tickets, etc.
I really enjoy Wizard101, but they have missed the boat in a few areas like this.