Make sure you have the items with you when you return to turn in the quest. You need to bring proof that you completed the items, I'm afraid Felicia won't just take your word on it.
Make sure you have the items with you when you return to turn in the quest. You need to bring proof that you completed the items, I'm afraid Felicia won't just take your word on it.
The main problem was I went to turn it in right after I had finished and t said I still hadn't. :|
Were you wearing/wielding one of them? If so, she won't recognize it as your creation. Take them off and have them in your backpack when you try to turn the quest in.
This actually happened to me. I had crafted all of the items and so got the little tone saying the quest was done, unfortunately I had accidently sold one at the bazzaar (this was before the helpful, little crafted icon was on items)and so had to make another to turn in.