I recently noticed that Savage Paw and Loremaster were added to the available crafting spells. I know that these spells were quite hard to get from farming Lore, so it makes sense that KI did this. I am a bit disappointed, though, as they did not give Krampus a crafting recipe. In my opinion, it is almost equally as hard to get, so it should be able to be crafted just like the other two. Tell me what you guys think.
It does. Loremaster and Krampus Spells can now be crafted by Legendary level crafters! Look for the Loremaster recipe in the Wyrd at Grady in Dun Scaith, and look for Krampus recipe in Mooshu's Shirataki Temple at Master Yan Kan Kook
I am thinking about crafting this spell after I get to Promethean Crafter (3 Comet Tail away!!!!). Thanks for making this spell craftable I've been farming for it for awhile now and it hasn't drop Megan Frostflame Level 99