OK I am ready to harvest my plants....... I don't know how though, I asked someone they said "Walk up to it, then it should say Harvest then press X." I tried that but it never said "Harvest" so please tell me what is wrong or if HE'S wrong..........
Also tell me if you are accessable to harvest at Adult.........
you have to wait a while after your plant becomes mature to harvest it, also some easy ways to know they are rdy to harvest are some of the following Dandelion: will start moving side to side instead of up and down Honey Sickle: Starts going insane throwing its blades up in the air Boom shroom: i never really payed attention a that much but i think it opens its mouth a lot Desparagus: will lean towards you instead of away from you
If you arrow over the mature plants while the Gardening menu is open, it gives a "Time To Harvest" countdown. Well, I have a Boom Shroom that has a countdown of 0 minutes, but I'm still not able to harvest. I closed out of the Gardening menu, walked up to the plant (the "press x to harvest" thing didn't show but I pressed x anyways), and nothing happened. The plant doesn't have any current needs or anything so I'm not sure if I have to just wait longer? Or is something bugged?
You must wait till they are ready, and that is when they need harvesting, but still, you will be able to tell, because most plants are harvested when they change color. (a bright yellow fog will appear around the plant)