I know and understand that you are trying to make it fun for folks to craft by crafting thier homes. but in order to craft these homes you have made it almost unbelievably impossible to craft. the reagents are such rareity in the celestian homes that i have spent over 200,000 gold this is beyond crazy. it is beyond me to comprehend why i should spend 70,000 in gold for the house and then turn around and have to sell everything i own wear or use at present it has a total of over 240,000 gold for reagents. sand stone should be sold by vendors if i have to have more than 5 of any item to craft some thing or trans mute some thing it needs to be readlily available instead of the way we are being done. this is totally out of control, we spend 70,000 for a house and it's a recipe? if your going to charge that much then have the reagents available for us to use. Right now my gold cost for celestian castle is 310,000 it is not fun to craft, cause it takes 12 hours for each piece to be crafted you've had plenty of time have this stuff readily available in less time.
I know and understand that you are trying to make it fun for folks to craft by crafting their homes. but in order to craft these homes you have made it almost unbelievably impossible to craft. the reagents are such rarity in the celestian homes that i have spent over 200,000 gold this is beyond crazy. it is beyond me to comprehend why i should spend 70,000 in gold for the house and then turn around and have to sell everything i own wear or use at present it has a total of over 240,000 gold for reagents. sand stone should be sold by vendors if i have to have more than 5 of any item to craft some thing or trans mute some thing it needs to be readily available instead of the way we are being done. this is totally out of control, we spend 70,000 for a house and it's a recipe? if your going to charge that much then have the reagents available for us to use. Right now my gold cost for celestian castle is 310,000 it is not fun to craft, cause it takes 12 hours for each piece to be crafted you've had plenty of time have this stuff readily available in less time.
Certain areas of the Game have changed greatly since I joined. Some things still remain fun to do but a lot of the game has switched over to challenge and chance to get. It has been decided by the general wizard community, that if you really, really don't work hard to earn something it isn't worth having. Making things easy for everyone to have won't make the person who likes to work for it feel special.
I call it the divide of the have's and have nots, I am in the latter category and have settled with the fact that there are things in the game I just don't want to waste my time on doing because the reward is really not worth it to me. Crafting, Gardening and Pets used to be a pleasant diversion from Questing your wizard though the spiral, now not so much and can consume more time and energy then a lot of people can afford.
What did ya expect? A cakewalk? Sorry buddy, but its a house, its possible, I did it, and its worth it! If you aren't up to the challenge - Then good luck.