I've been trying to craft "Chief's Garb of Strength" and the "Vibrant Chieftain's Helm" for my life wizard from Wintertusk. I got all the other Reagents I need besides the 6 centaur treasure cards. I found one at the bazaar, but it's a bit too time consuming to just stay and camp in the Bazaar. Any suggestions on trying to find them?
ok this is kinda long but first find a life wizard who can craft them for you, the crafting spell can be found in celestia's crustacian empire but only life wizards can buy and use it, look in the wiki to find the location if you have that type of wizard already. i hope this helps
You can buy the centaur treasure card recipe from blossom in ravenwood. The recipe costs 1,200 i think? No more than 2,000. Ask friends too. The bazaar is another method but as you said there arent many there. Good luck