So I've been told by many a person to go to Felicia Worthington so I can get the card to transmute diamonds out of ore for the crafting quest in DS, which takes a lot of diamonds, but when I go to Felicia, I only see the Scrap Iron and Spring cards for transmuting. There's just no Transmute Diamond. I've restarted my game, I've reloaded the area, and I've looked across other threads, but I can't find anyone else with this problem who's been able to solve it. I really need those diamonds, and the Bazaar is always sold out. Does anyone have a solution?
Re: Bug with Felicia Worthington, Transmute Diamond?
Chromio on May 29, 2014 wrote:
So I've been told by many a person to go to Felicia Worthington so I can get the card to transmute diamonds out of ore for the crafting quest in DS, which takes a lot of diamonds, but when I go to Felicia, I only see the Scrap Iron and Spring cards for transmuting. There's just no Transmute Diamond. I've restarted my game, I've reloaded the area, and I've looked across other threads, but I can't find anyone else with this problem who's been able to solve it. I really need those diamonds, and the Bazaar is always sold out. Does anyone have a solution?
You might want to contact support on this one...she is supposed to have the recipe for this.
Re: Bug with Felicia Worthington, Transmute Diamond?
Press J and look through your recipes and see if you already bought it. It's a recipe, not a treasure card, you can only buy it once, then you use it as often as you like at a Card Crafting Table in your home/dorm.
Re: Bug with Felicia Worthington, Transmute Diamond?
If you don't have it already try asking people to go to Celestia and find a vendor since there is one that gives out transmutes. I would happily take you myself if you'd like. If it still isn't there then report the bug to Kingsisle.