I just want to know which main school is the best to use, plus one of the astrial schools to go along with it.
I've done all of Celestia on my death and some on my life. My death soloed practically everything, but my life... well, I constantly need help in most fights. So, death over life.
As for an astral school, I would choose the star school (polymorphs). I think that there were more polymorph spells than the other astral schools not sure though.
I would argue against polymorphs if you like to plan ahead and craft decks. Setting your own deck, instead of taking with the polymorph form is something major to consider.
I personally like Life School, with death to feint as a secondary. An ice school spells for protection (amulet or similiar). Level 58 clothing for life gives an 80% crit chance....so picture boosting Forest Lord with gargantuan (+225 dam, sun spell), and a crit booster (a star spell). This gives, on turn 3, 4000 damage to all foes...and no boss ever has up a defense beyond 50% (either ice or balance,,,,no one else does). It is a real sense of power for life all of a sudden.
So, for me, and I haven't yet played all the schools through CL, I would say Life, death secondary, boosted with sun and star.
Note: You can buy the life polymorph without any of the others necessary, and it also works well with all classes, giving awesome healing ability.