I just beat CL not to long ago, but what is to come next? perhaps the marlybonians will get the technology they need to go to space, maybe even the possibility of the shadow webs fleeing CL with you on their trail. causing the discovery of one of morganthe's hideouts . tell me what you think
I'm Level 49 right now so i'm still in DragonSpyre but hopefully when i do beat Celestia they'll do another world or something. Not like Grizzleheim because that world was rubbish!
maybe merle will get tired of the goblins eating colossus that he will have bartleby find their world and open a door, so the wizards can go there and rid the world of the witches so the goblins can go back home. ya think
or maybe the underwater world by the kraken will open up after selena fires the town after she gets all pruney from being underwater performing. lol or because of their fame, evil ventures into town and the surrounding world, that they ask the owl for help once again.