I was loving the polymorph into storm cat. Was the only way my death wizard stood a chance with other death and life creatures.
But one of my concerns is the grandmaster artisan quest , It needed the polymorph into treant treasure cards which could be purchased from the archivist , Now to complete the grandmaster artisan , if you have yet to purchase those treasure cards , you will need to craft the polymorph treant card now . The kicker is , that card requires 1 golden pearl to craft. So on top of the other golden pearls needed to craft that amulet , we are going to need 5 more to craft the cards.
Folks already getting shook over the 1000 stone blocks needed to complete the quest , I can feel some blood boiling when they find out they need 5 more golden pearls. Maybe this is one quest to skip.
I think what happened was that Celestia was rushed into Live without due consideration of all the feedback given during Test. People in Test noticed that the sun/moon/star spells were going to cause trouble in PvP, but they went Live anyway. Now these things are being abused in PvP, so they have to come out of the game. Unfortunately, the designers of Celestia were unable to predict the many various way their great spells could be abused by the masses of wizards who want to win at all costs.
I hope they bring them back with either a level restriction or a No-PvP restriction. Many of us have gotten to like these spells by now.
I just went to the Archivist and there are NO Star/Moon/Sun spells available at all anymore what happened??
Gargantuan is now gone WHY?
everything in those schools is GONE ??
ILL tell you why so now that every one that hit level 60 now if they want those cards they have to turn in there train points so ki can make more money!AND i think every one is fed up with ki giving and taking away like the wild bolt we all earned!All because of PVP and noobs who cry.Lots of wizards are quiting because of spells getting stolen we are fed up!
It must be understood that this action includes a CASH TRANSACTION on part of the player paying KI in order to correct this when it should be KI correcting themselves at their own expense.
That transaction puts the matter into a completely different legal arena than "hey we own all the gold and items in the game you can't do anything about it" because they give based upon a players hard work, then they take away what the player rightfully earned, BUT, the player can get it back with a CASH TRANSACTION.
i love this game ,or i did until you went nuts with the new spells,i learned star school so i could gargantuan my cards ,but protect myself better because im a healer. now after using points they are gone! Your answer is to craft them, well news flash the reagent amounts are absurd. This game was already working my nerves,because of how expensive everything is and how a digital image can cost up to twenty real dollars. Then celestia ,the colors are so bad for your eyes. Well back to subject, critical should not be allowed in pvp until you adopt a real time duel system. That means both sides must lock in cards in same round...none of this one person goes first. Because now first person to critical multi wins game. There is no skill involved anymore, add in medusa and you dont even bother. Also healing pets dont use pips and gives players exta cards. They are ridiculous ive seen some cast 3x in a row one turn. They gotta go from duels.
Imo they should have never let that stuff into pvp. say for the polymorph cards NO PVP and also take out the other astral schools. and critical. really the game was all in harmony until celestia came out, suddenly there are insanely powerful spells (although with cl they need it) just take all of it out of pvp, and everyone is happy. this game centers way too much feedback on pvp.