I didnt get the key and I finished the final countdown quest to DS I got my xp from it. Then he didnt give me a quest afterwards. and I dont want to waste my time getting this fixed. My goal was to make him legendary fast. Now I have to wait and until its fixed and go on my other wizard. please help me.
I didnt get the key and I finished the final countdown quest to DS I got my xp from it. Then he didnt give me a quest afterwards. and I dont want to waste my time getting this fixed. My goal was to make him legendary fast. Now I have to wait and until its fixed and go on my other wizard. please help me.
Are you level 48? You have to complete the quest Final Countdown AND be level 48 before you can see Merle Ambrose for the Celestia key.
This is NOT a bug. Warehouse is a optional quest though it was originally intended to be main quest line. Once you have beat DS (which you have) and are level 48 OR ABOVE go see ambrose and he will give you key to CL.
you should earn your way to celestia if you cant beat that dungeon then you aren't worth celestia thats my opinion cuz i earned my where there you should have to work for it not to be mean but it is unfair to everyone who did do it not knowing that