I am almost at the end of dragonspyre and i have many friend that have beaten the game so far and they said celestia was pretty hard. Just wondering if this is true to most of you in or that have finished Celestia?
Yes, most certainly, Celestia is much harder than DragonSpyre. It is like comparing day and night in difficulty. I am middle-aged, and it is when my enjoyment of the game started to change. I was able to do it with help, but I am not a hard-core gamer and don't want to be. Zafaria wasn't too bad, but I have been stuck on the same 2 quests in Avalon since this past spring. Celestia is the beginning of the second arc and is the point where the game started to change away from family-orientated fun.
On my first trip through Celestia, I found it difficult to acquire the items needed from certain enemies. It always seemed to take alot of battles. However, on subsequent trips through Celestia, I haven't found this a bit easier. But just in general Celestia is more difficult than Dragonspyre. I find Celestia alot easier if I tackle Wintertusk first; but that is another story. :) I don't usually hit Celestia until around a level 60.
I am almost at the end of dragonspyre and i have many friend that have beaten the game so far and they said celestia was pretty hard. Just wondering if this is true to most of you in or that have finished Celestia?
Travis GreenBlade
Yes. Each world is more difficult than the previous one. The jump in difficulty going from DS to Celestia, however, is going to surprise you. It's huge.
I honestly don't see why so many people are saying Celestia was the hardest world in the game. For me it was not. Although those "defeat and collect" quests were frustrating, the battles were not hard for me. I soloed all of Celestia except the Sun, Star, and Moon dungeons, and the final dungeon. To me Dragonspyre was the hardest world out of the two, but that may be because I soloed most of the spiral.
Celestia is not as hard as Dragonspyre.I am half way through Celestia and I am death schoolthe point is I am level 58, so i have to get skeleton dragon sometime and i need to fight a really hard boss in Dragonspyre with 13890 lifeSo that proves Dragonspyre gives hard challenges.
Celestia is 100 times harder. The first time I went to Celestia, I couldn't beat a minion alone. I was a noob back then. Now I am much more better and am able to solo Celestia alone.
Yes, Celestia is too hard. It is cranked up 10X harder than Dragonspyre. It doesn't make any sense to me either. I am demoralized and let down. Not sure what to do. I do not want to discourage you, but it is hard for me. Level 54 Death School.
I hated how hard CL was. It is my least favorite world. There are so many dungeons that take way to long, and the monsters are hard to beat. You get caught in battles. It feels like i was there fore an eternity also. It took me about 5 months. When all the other worlds, it probably only took me 2. I'm not saying you won't breeze through it... I know someone who finished CL in 13 hours. But for me it was awful.
Yes I would have to say, just starting Celestia , it's harder than Dragonspyre. I'm sorry to say that. The reason why its harder is because you have to get used to them cheating and doing all these new rules. That's why I recommend if you haven't already, finish Grizzleheim and Wintertusk then do Celestia. That's what I'm doing so it can be a tiny bit easier before I go do Celestia.
I am almost at the end of dragonspyre and i have many friend that have beaten the game so far and they said celestia was pretty hard. Just wondering if this is true to most of you in or that have finished Celestia?
Travis GreenBlade
Dear Travis, I'm sorry to say but Celestia is harder than Dragonspyre. I just unlocked Celestia a few weeks ago and already it's pretty challenging. So here is what I did, I'm finishing up Wintertusk in Grizzleheim so I can get the easy worlds out of the way before I get into the more advanced. If you already finished both of those worlds, here is what I suggest, maybe you could team up with friends that are higher level than you, and have them help you for the first few quests so they can give you tips or helpful battle theories.
While Celestia has stronger bosses and mobs, it's also easier from a certain standpoint. The creatures in Celestia onward start to actually stick to their own school most often. This makes it easy to dress for battle. If you dress to resist Myth because they are Myth, they won't be throwing Storm and Death at you unlike in Dragonspyre and lower worlds. It's really the first world you can dress to the battle without needing high universal resist.
Celestia certainly wasn't hard for me- the only time I didn't solo was when I was questing and I found somebody who happened to be on the same part and they wanted to tag along. The only time I asked for help was in the Trial of the Spheres- the final dungeon, with crazy cheats. In fact, I finished Celestia so early that most of my friends were able to go into Zafaria since they were already level 60, whereas I was only level 56 when I finished! The same thing happens with all my other worlds but that's okay.
Anyways, to answer your question, it really depends on your fighting style. If you like to cast as many blades and traps as possible to do a multi-attack, you will have trouble on the bosses, since they might kill you before you can manage that. As a Death student, the whole steal health thing really helped me survive, since I could attack as well.
But still, from my viewpoint, Celestia certainly is harder than Dragonspyre, but not by too much.
Celestia tests your strength and strategy. I believe they made it that way because you need to be prepared. The leap of difficulty from the two worlds is big, don't give up, because success is stronger then defeat
Celestia is not as hard as Dragonspyre.I am half way through Celestia and I am death schoolthe point is I am level 58, so i have to get skeleton dragon sometime and i need to fight a really hard boss in Dragonspyre with 13890 lifeSo that proves Dragonspyre gives hard challenges.
I hope that helped you on your question.
lol i have to agree then disagree i will explain the hardness of a world depends on your strategy with my strategy celestia s fun :D and dragonspyre merp i dont like it to many weaknesses and the lvl 58 bosses arent that hard but i think ours was made a little easier than everyone else btw all my wizards have there 58 spells the only time i think i lossed was when i was on my fire and i forgot my heals XD
It will be a great deal harder since criticals are a new concept to people in Celestia, and it will be harder to grasp the main idea. The gear that you get will also have to be more carefully thought-out.