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Celestia Wands

Jun 30, 2009
I remember when Celestia first came out, i wanted to see what they had in store, mostly wands. Well, as you are aware, at level 55 you are able to use a wand that not only gives attack cards but a critical hit chance too! I am one that thinks personality is in clothes AND the wand.

Well, not to complain or anything, some of the wands are ugly. Like, storm has A JELLYFISH as their wand. Some people may like it, but i am not into it. lol. anyway, that's why i wanted a wand forger in my past posts.

I saw that you can craft a few wands, but crafting for me is too much work. Oh well, i just wanted to share my thoughts on some of the interesting... er... wands celestia has. But some of them are nice, like the cutlasses.