The Celestian treasure cards that you used to could buy from someone in the District of the Stars, you can't now. I don't know if this is a bug or if you meant for it to happen, but I want them back.I need them for the crafting quest. Please put them back, please. Thanks
You can still win some in battle but the downfall is it might not be the card you need or want. You can also ask your buddies to see if they have the card or cards you need.
you can not complete the quest in which you need five reshuffle treasure cards to make the tea set....
no treasure card vendor has them so in Celestia there is one training point that is not acquirable.
either they need to put the reshuffle back in the treasure card selection or they need to change that ingredient or they need to drop that quest from the game and give everyone a free point in order to be fair about it.
i have every thing for the tea set except the 5 reshuffles treasure cards