Alot of controversy on this topic. You must find out by mixing everything together what gives your playstyle the best stats. In my opinion for fire none of the ww gear is worth anything in azteca.
Hello,I am in Azteca and i am wondering if waterworks gear is still best for fire in this world i am level 88 fire? please answer
I am a Promethean Pyromancer and I will happily answer your question:
This is the gear I use the most:
Hat: Waterworks Cape: Waterworks Boots: Crafted Fire/Ice Wand: Hungry Caiman's Staff Athame: Courtly Dirk Amulet: If not Life Mastery, Horrizon of Undercharm World Ring: Pet: I like having my pet with both resistances
Waterworks gear is good, but not necessarily best for high level gaming. It is always your choice when selecting gear, to employ the best gear for YOUR particular fighting style. For example, I might take off my Lexicon blade temporarily for one or 2 bosses, to employ a blade with a different attribute. But I never sell it. Most of the best wizards I know have kept their waterworks gear for certain uses, but wear something else for added shielding, or other attributes.
There is no clearcut yes or no answer to your question. You simply must compare the gear and choose the one that YOU like.
Hello,I am in Azteca and i am wondering if waterworks gear is still best for fire in this world i am level 88 fire? please answer
I would suggest taking your wardrobe and start equiping things until you get the numbers your need. If your really serious you can use a tablet and write down the configurations to find what will be the best combination. I dont think waterworks gear is good after like level 70-75.
Hello,I am in Azteca and i am wondering if waterworks gear is still best for fire in this world i am level 88 fire? please answer
hehehe WW gear does work for schools that aren't really about resist like death,fire,storm,myth,or even balance (sometimes) so it's good for your school but Why not only wear the robe and hat but wear stronger boots with help of pet resist xD
craft gear is the best gear in the game. however, in azteca, you may want to wear craft robe/boots while wearing waterworks hat for even resist. if you dont want to wear the robe, at least wear the boots!!!! paige sandpetal, lvl 90 paige skullpetal lvl 90 paige frostpetal lv 84