I need advice on strategy about defeating her and getting the Stardust to repair the Astral Star Obelisk in Three Points, and would like to hear from wizards that have defeated her. First time I entered her lair she had three minions and I had assumed that it was a solo dungeon, like Golem Tower in Wizard City.
My worst fears were confirmed when I asked Amy Rosepetal to help and she was happy to help, but she was unable to help. I then went snooping around her lair for the strange stones, and ended up battling her two Smoking Dinos and Wanadi. By the time they took me down, I had removed one or both Dinos, while almost taking down the other, and doing some damage to Wanadi.
Worst case scenario is that when I have the money to get a new card, the crowns will be useful in the solo action. I spent one training point on Reshuffle, but I am unsure about how to defeat her, since I have not seen any posts in Wizard Central on the subject.
Timothy Pearlflower (Ice Archmage, Level 85) in the Cenote
Leave a port mark as soon as you go in. Make sure all your potion vials are full first. Engage combat and focus on minion or minions, depending on how many. You must defeat at least one minion before you are defeated! Do you best to defeat all minions but if it doesnt appear that you can, get at least one of them. After being defeated you can use potion and port back but you have to do so immediately or the port mark will expire. When you port back in the minion or minions that you had already defeated will not be there.If you do use this method and port back in be sure to leave another port mark and if you are defeated again you can use potion and port back again. Each time you do this the remaining enemies will be refreshed just as you will be so be certain to take out the next minion if there are more than one. You do not want to defeat the boss first though. If you defeat boss before minions and the minions defeat you, using potion and porting back would be a waste of potion because it would be like entering the fight for the first time with all enemies intact.You can repeat this as many times as you have potion to do so. You will not have enough time to go back to the fairgrounds in Wizard City to get more potion. Port marks in solo boss quests expire quick. So make sure all three are full before beginning. This works on any solo quest or any dungeon that you may try solo.