Hey guys, I think that KI should take away the ability for bosses and street mobs to cast level 88 spells. It's not only a pain to get hit with them, but it really takes away the magic of casing that glorious new spell for the first time :). I mean, who wants to cast a Sun Serpent when they've been hit with it many times before they get it? It just doesn't seem as fun to me. The fun of Celesia and Zafaria was the ability to cast Rain of Fire and other higher rank spells before mobs could, spells they could not cast. It gave us an advantage against them i: . Thoughts?
I have to agree with you french123. I wanted to wait to see my spell before i got it, but NOOOO, I just HAD to get hit with spinysaur when i was level 83! Anyways, going off topic for a little here, I'm level 88, but I realized I basically have to beat Wintertusk before i can get it.
I have to agree with you french123. I wanted to wait to see my spell before i got it, but NOOOO, I just HAD to get hit with spinysaur when i was level 83! Anyways, going off topic for a little here, I'm level 88, but I realized I basically have to beat Wintertusk before i can get it.
wait you have to beat wintertusk to get your lvl 88 spell
I hope this never happens, it would take the fun and challenge out of the game :)
they just introduced it so i dont think they will be taking it away anytime soon so yay for you. on the other hand it makes me wonder why you even started playing this game if your that thirsty for hard challenges, its no secret that the first worlds were a walk in the park for most.