Hello all! I am Alex Soulhaven, I am currently on the storm eye dungeon in Saltmeadow Swamp. I am stuck as heck on it :P If anyone wants to start that dungeon with me and keep going with it, please give me a time and place. Alone we cannot complete this world. But together...
Hello all! I am Alex Soulhaven, I am currently on the storm eye dungeon in Saltmeadow Swamp. I am stuck as heck on it :P If anyone wants to start that dungeon with me and keep going with it, please give me a time and place. Alone we cannot complete this world. But together...
Alex Soulhaven lvl 84
Hi there, Alex~
since posts on this board require 12-24 hours for approval, it's not the best place to seek out immediate help. i recommend creating an account on the fansite wizard101central: it's free, and there's an entire forum dedicated to finding in-game quest help.