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Lvl 88 Owl & Sabar Fight and Astral spells

Jan 14, 2011
Hello, I am writing because I am tired of having to do extremely hard Fights to get new spells. Having to fight 3 opponents alone to gain new spells is pathetic, It seems to me that you have made it so we have to spend real world money (i.e Crowns) to be entitled to these new spells. Please make these quest easier, I have read nothing on anyone succeeding in these fights without having to buy Henchmen. I am extremely disappointed as I am not a person who has endless money to buy Crowns, I already pay for my and my Husbands Subscription per year and to have to spend more money to buy crowns just to advance and not through choice is pathetic guys. Please Please Please allow Poorer people to play and have fun too. Make it easier to enjoy the game. 2 foes with lower health or the ability to have friends help would be great.

Thanks for listening and I hope you understand and will help.

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please:)

Jul 03, 2010
BAYPHOMET 666 on Jul 22, 2013 wrote:
Hello, I am writing because I am tired of having to do extremely hard Fights to get new spells. Having to fight 3 opponents alone to gain new spells is pathetic, It seems to me that you have made it so we have to spend real world money (i.e Crowns) to be entitled to these new spells. Please make these quest easier, I have read nothing on anyone succeeding in these fights without having to buy Henchmen. I am extremely disappointed as I am not a person who has endless money to buy Crowns, I already pay for my and my Husbands Subscription per year and to have to spend more money to buy crowns just to advance and not through choice is pathetic guys. Please Please Please allow Poorer people to play and have fun too. Make it easier to enjoy the game. 2 foes with lower health or the ability to have friends help would be great.

Thanks for listening and I hope you understand and will help.

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please:)
We also live on a very limited fixed income here and I gave in and purchased $5 in crowns to buy these spells on my Balance and Life wizard and my husbands Storm and Death (he was able to do a few of the battles solo so we saved there) - we don't intend on bringing any more wizards though this world for a long while if ever. If used wisely you can get the spells with minimal henchmen.

I choose a higher level one opposite school I had to battle and a lvl 60 Life and was able to complete the spells quests and still have a few crowns left over. Unless something really comes up as has to have we won't be paying for the Moon spells quest.

Sadly there are many who do like to play games that just don't have the funds to pony up for it and we must watch our pennies and do with out a lot of the nice accessories in the game. To be fair all though not as much fun we really didn't need those spells we paid for so it was a waste of money - we travel in a family group of 3 so raw power has been getting us by. If the next world is even more difficult I won't be playing it anyway.

Jan 14, 2011
Hi and ty Northlight, for you reply, I am happy to buy Crowns for things I would Like (which is hardly ever) lol, Not to win Spells. It is hard enough to do Solo fights without having 3 Opponents that you have to go back time and time again and still get nowhere. I think even a lot of people would be happy if they gave you the option to buy henchmen for Gold instead of Crowns, even this would help greatly, at least make it more accessible to Everyone. I Play mostly with my Husband (Pack of 2) so yes it makes it easier for the rest, But when you get to the point of Lvl-Up and have been looking forward to getting new spells and you just can't achieve the goal set to you it make it very Disappointing and Frustrating to come away empty handed. Don;t get me wrong both my Husband and myself love this game but if it continues to be Money Based I am afraid we will have to find a new Less Expensive game to play. We don;t want this at all we wish to continue playing and having fun. I only ask like so many others have (and Kingsisles don't seem to be listening) to help us out and make it easier or accessible to achieve the goal set. Ty again and I hope you and your family are able to continue to have fun also

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please That Don't Involve Having To Buy Crown Henchman! Thanks.

Mar 12, 2010
BAYPHOMET 666 on Jul 22, 2013 wrote:
Hi and ty Northlight, for you reply, I am happy to buy Crowns for things I would Like (which is hardly ever) lol, Not to win Spells. It is hard enough to do Solo fights without having 3 Opponents that you have to go back time and time again and still get nowhere. I think even a lot of people would be happy if they gave you the option to buy henchmen for Gold instead of Crowns, even this would help greatly, at least make it more accessible to Everyone. I Play mostly with my Husband (Pack of 2) so yes it makes it easier for the rest, But when you get to the point of Lvl-Up and have been looking forward to getting new spells and you just can't achieve the goal set to you it make it very Disappointing and Frustrating to come away empty handed. Don;t get me wrong both my Husband and myself love this game but if it continues to be Money Based I am afraid we will have to find a new Less Expensive game to play. We don;t want this at all we wish to continue playing and having fun. I only ask like so many others have (and Kingsisles don't seem to be listening) to help us out and make it easier or accessible to achieve the goal set. Ty again and I hope you and your family are able to continue to have fun also

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please That Don't Involve Having To Buy Crown Henchman! Thanks.
Have you considered posting on any of the fansites to ask for help there? They have groups of players who volunteer to help with almost anything in the game. Here is a link to one of them in case you are interested: http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8

If you aren't sure, you might want to check out some of the postings on that fansite. Hope this helps.

May 06, 2009
BAYPHOMET 666 on Jul 22, 2013 wrote:
Hi and ty Northlight, for you reply, I am happy to buy Crowns for things I would Like (which is hardly ever) lol, Not to win Spells. It is hard enough to do Solo fights without having 3 Opponents that you have to go back time and time again and still get nowhere. I think even a lot of people would be happy if they gave you the option to buy henchmen for Gold instead of Crowns, even this would help greatly, at least make it more accessible to Everyone. I Play mostly with my Husband (Pack of 2) so yes it makes it easier for the rest, But when you get to the point of Lvl-Up and have been looking forward to getting new spells and you just can't achieve the goal set to you it make it very Disappointing and Frustrating to come away empty handed. Don;t get me wrong both my Husband and myself love this game but if it continues to be Money Based I am afraid we will have to find a new Less Expensive game to play. We don;t want this at all we wish to continue playing and having fun. I only ask like so many others have (and Kingsisles don't seem to be listening) to help us out and make it easier or accessible to achieve the goal set. Ty again and I hope you and your family are able to continue to have fun also

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please That Don't Involve Having To Buy Crown Henchman! Thanks.
For my Death Wizard, I was able to complete the Star, Sun, Moon, and school quests without the aid of henchman or any crowns at all in each fight. I don't know if I can give you an exact strategy as to how to beat these foes, but I can say Duelist101's video's for each level 88 school quest was a huge benefit for me. They're methods helped me blow through these guys easy. I think I only lost once with the Star school quest but that was because of an unbalanced deck set up. The next 3 became more comfortable for me as I new what I needed to do to beat them.

When I watched Duelist101's video's to these quests, their strategies ended with them actually winning the fight without any crowns needed. For my quests, I worked on mainly defense. My death wizard learned all the spells in Storm and Ice which gives him a strong shield against every school. I also know Reshuffle, but TC's can also work. Within each battle, I set up a small deck (well medium sized if you will) using 1 primary attack x3. That way you have one killer spell for each opponent. I mostly focused on taking out the Minions first. Because at that point I had Dr.Von's Monster, a Death Blade, Dark Pact, and Feint can typically knock out an enemy for me. Taking out the minions was a bit of breeze. When it came time for the boss, I'd use my last attack and then reshuffle. In Azteca, it can take me 3-5 powered Dr. Von's to take down a boss. After awhile of building up each attack, I took my boss out. This is what I did for each fight and it became so much easier once you know what you're doing.

Now, I'm not sure if this would work for you as you're dealing with a Storm and Balance, yes? I would strongly recommend watching some of Duelist101's Level 88 spell quest videos for each school (you may not find one for the Astral for each school, but they do have every school up). What was so helpful about these videos is that I was able to build my strategy off of theres with what I had and what I could get. Didn't use many TC, just the spells I had. For the Storm one though, a tip would be that other bosses have one of these Eels as minions so you don't have to fight the 3 at one time. You can just repeatedly fight a boss until you collect your item. So please check out the videos and see you if you try and build some kind of set up of your own based off what they did (or exaclt what they did. However you choose!) It really helped me out

Jun 10, 2012
My balance wizard got her level 88 spell on her second try, without henchmen. My advice: wear gear that maximizes balance resist. For attacks, use colossaled spectral blast, hydra, and chimera with blades/traps. Pack lots of availing hands and don't let your health get much below 2000.

Feb 22, 2011
We have a guide on how to beat the storm quest here:


and our friends over at Duelist101 have guides for how to get the balance spell:


and the storm spell as well:


Good luck to you. Both are without henchmen. :)

May 23, 2009
BAYPHOMET 666 on Jul 22, 2013 wrote:
Hello, I am writing because I am tired of having to do extremely hard Fights to get new spells. Having to fight 3 opponents alone to gain new spells is pathetic, It seems to me that you have made it so we have to spend real world money (i.e Crowns) to be entitled to these new spells. Please make these quest easier, I have read nothing on anyone succeeding in these fights without having to buy Henchmen. I am extremely disappointed as I am not a person who has endless money to buy Crowns, I already pay for my and my Husbands Subscription per year and to have to spend more money to buy crowns just to advance and not through choice is pathetic guys. Please Please Please allow Poorer people to play and have fun too. Make it easier to enjoy the game. 2 foes with lower health or the ability to have friends help would be great.

Thanks for listening and I hope you understand and will help.

In the Mean time Does anyone have any Tried and successful advice on how to beat the foes for Storm and Balance lvl 88 and Astral Spell quests please:)
I believe had the hardest quest. I believe a boss (No idea really, heard it from a friend)

For storm, I believe it is just 3 Tempest Eels (no big deal)

I would TRY (not sure if it works) The 'Kill One by One' trick. Or try packing a couple tc 'Ice Dispel' in your deck.

This will probably help a bit. Then Thermic (whatever the name is) shield packed to maximum. Pack a few sirens and lords. And some blades, a 'steal shield' tc or 2.

Hope this helped