Alright hello i am fred ice lvl 88 ice, today i lvled to lvl 88 and my quest for lord of winter never showed up. i have tried anything is this a bug i am just getting really frustrated and dont know what to do. ki plz help.
I had the same problem at first, but went to the teacher and i got the quest for lord of winter from her I dont have any of the spells from GH or WT and still got it.
Alright hello i am fred ice lvl 88 ice, today i lvled to lvl 88 and my quest for lord of winter never showed up. i have tried anything is this a bug i am just getting really frustrated and dont know what to do. ki plz help.
I think i figured it out. What i read in the news section on the message board thing, ice players have to finish a quest called mysery or something like that. And it also says you have to be 88 or higher. Basicly what their saying is that you have to complete the quest "mysery" witch i dont know where to find it, and you must be lvl 88 or higher. Adrian Searunner lvl 88 Ice! woo