I understand that twin giants is where that balance elephant boss is founded again, back in my days in zafaria i never realized that he would return! my friends told me that he was stronger, should i believe them? i only have to find out myself. Maybe some tips could help me, in case i die of course. (I hope i don't!)
I understand that twin giants is where that balance elephant boss is founded again, back in my days in zafaria i never realized that he would return! my friends told me that he was stronger, should i believe them? i only have to find out myself. Maybe some tips could help me, in case i die of course. (I hope i don't!)
-From: Alexis Spell Thief (Level 89 close to 90)
Look at this site for belloq's cheats and spells, his minion, his health, his drops, etc. Its a great site.
So what you have to do it hit every round. so like because your death its kind of hard. if you were storm its really easy because they spam anyways. Like do vampire, I don't know the death spells, but don't wait do big hits because then he will do ra. His ra is double the damage he did in Zafaria. I recommend getting a minion. Good luck to you and best wishes. Caleb Dunefriend And Blake :D