Like in Avalon, the areas were pretty long until the Outer Yard, then it moved by fast
Is there anything like that in Azteca, or is it just long throughout...
If there is, the name of the area would be helpful.
--Blaze Icecloud, Level 81 Thaumaturge --
LOL -- I reached my breaking point in Azteca, but that's a different subject. :-)
To sort of address your actual question, I unfortunately can only say that for me, Azteca was a grind, and if it sped up at some point I wouldn't likely have noticed. As I've mentioned on other threads, about 1/3 the way through I switched to spam deck and just ground through the world like a robot.
All sense of time or diffculty disappeard as I just threw Leprechaun after Colossal Leprechaun at them until they quit twitching, then blindly followed the quest arrow to the next stop. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat. Oh, look, Malistaire the Undying.
That was the last two thirds of Azteca for me, in a nutshell.
Of course, anything that can fit into a nutshell -- belongs there. :-)
It picked up pace around Mangrove Marsh then just slowed down and saltmeadow swamp was pretty fast going there was only for bosses and a couple fire spawns