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Stuck in the wild!!! Please help. :(

Jan 02, 2012
Please help!
I'm stuck in the wild i have gone around looking for a quest and can't find anyone with a question mark above their heads.
also i am losing connection from the game. What is up with that?
signal is strong and i can connect to to anywhere else.
Please help i am trying to move on in Avalon. No new spells either!

caroline thundermask level 78

Jul 21, 2009
maricoll wrote:
Please help!
I'm stuck in the wild i have gone around looking for a quest and can't find anyone with a question mark above their heads.
also i am losing connection from the game. What is up with that?
signal is strong and i can connect to to anywhere else.
Please help i am trying to move on in Avalon. No new spells either!

caroline thundermask level 78

Check your quest make sure it's not on a quest that does not should the quest tracker. If nothing back track to make sure you did not miss anything in the map before. Now for the connection you made need to contact support for this. You can Do this by going here https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game Or email them at support@wizard101.com

Good luck hope this helps :)

Apr 20, 2011
Hi Caroline,
The quests in Avalon aren't as straight forward as in other worlds, many of your quests are given by characters from other locations such as Caer Lyon or Abbey Road.
Visits these locations and you are bound to see someone with a question mark who will undoubtably have a quest for you which involves a return to the Wild.
I hope this helped.
James Dreamweaver Lvl 77 Balance

Jan 02, 2012
I'm still having problems in Avalon I cannot get into outer yard, i don't have any quest in Caer Lyon, abbey lane nor the Wild. Also these are the only two portals i have access to. I cannot go anywhere else. I need this issue fixed please.

caroline thundermask lvl 78 balance

Apr 20, 2011
maricoll wrote:
I'm still having problems in Avalon I cannot get into outer yard, i don't have any quest in Caer Lyon, abbey lane nor the Wild. Also these are the only two portals i have access to. I cannot go anywhere else. I need this issue fixed please.

caroline thundermask lvl 78 balance

Have you checked upper Caer Lyon? There is the mill repair quest and others. If you have already done these too Caroline then the only thing I can think of is to contact KI or go to Wiki and check the Avalon Qust pages to see if there is anything you might have missed.
Best Wishes
James Dreamweaver Lvl 77 Balance

Jan 02, 2012
miffyboi wrote:
maricoll wrote:
I'm still having problems in Avalon I cannot get into outer yard, i don't have any quest in Caer Lyon, abbey lane nor the Wild. Also these are the only two portals i have access to. I cannot go anywhere else. I need this issue fixed please.

caroline thundermask lvl 78 balance

Have you checked upper Caer Lyon? There is the mill repair quest and others. If you have already done these too Caroline then the only thing I can think of is to contact KI or go to Wiki and check the Avalon Qust pages to see if there is anything you might have missed.
Best Wishes
James Dreamweaver Lvl 77 Balance

Hello James! :)
Yes, I have checked Upper Caer Lyon no quest for me. I did the mill. Thank you I will contact them and check Wiki as well. I hope they find the solution for me. :?

Caroline Thundermask lvl 78 balance