Check out Abbey Road in Avalon. That's where you'll find clothing, furniture, rings, athames, etc, including Zeke. Be sure to go to the library there, too, as that's where you'll find the quest for the tapestries in each area.
Yeah he is in Abbey Road by the archery area. To get to Abbey Road, When you go to Caliburn (using the warp button) Go right until you see Friar Nolan. That is the entrance to Abbey Road. I assume the crow in the tower that you found was in Harlequin's tower? That is one of the crows you need to find!
Hi Guys I was just wondering if anyone has completed Zeke's Crowology search. I've found Abbey Road and Caliburn crows but don't know where in the wild, wryd etc to start searching. If anyone has a link to a post that reveals their location I'd appreciate it. Ps I've looked at the Zeke guide at 101 Central but it hasn't been updated to include Avalon yet. Thanks :D