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ghost avalon hard

Aug 07, 2011
hi my name is nathan earthwhisper and i am recently having trouble with ghost avalon i mean i get past the disloyal kinights and then unsung night but when me and my team get to young morgante we always get wiped anybody got any tips on how to beat it

nathan earthwhisper-lv.78 thaumaturge

Feb 23, 2010
nathanman567 wrote:
hi my name is nathan earthwhisper and i am recently having trouble with ghost avalon i mean i get past the disloyal kinights and then unsung night but when me and my team get to young morgante we always get wiped anybody got any tips on how to beat it

nathan earthwhisper-lv.78 thaumaturge

Don't shield or trap. Sometimes blades will get you attacked and sometimes they won't. All depends on which part of the battle it is and which strategy she's using. Fizzling will get you hit too, so avoid low odd spells if possible...unless your accuracy boosts make up for the basic odds of the spell. Don't use global auras either. If your pips get to 8 or higher (counting power pips as 2 pips) she'll mana burn you. So, there are two ways to do this. You can have an ice wizard seriously load up on ice dispels and keep laying them on her while another person puts up buffs that would normally cause a mammoth attack, or just avoid using those things completely. The bigger the group the better, and it pays to have a dedicated healer. A real life wizard rather than someone with a life mastery amulet is best if you have a choice. If you have that, just let them keep people healthy while you hit her with anything up to level 7 attacks.

So, to sum it up: don't fizzle. don't lay traps. don't use global auras. shielding and blading can both be bad ideas at different stages of the battle. You'll know for sure if you see the "no more of that comment" followed by someone getting hit with a mammoth. Enchanted treasure cards or gargantuan and colossal cards work great as they noticeably boost damage without the need for traps.