I just started Dun Dara and Right after I went to the tree in which lighting struck, Sir George Martyn did not appear. I tried logging off and logging back on, switching realms, even restarting my system. Nothing worked. Without completing this quest, I cannot complete the rest of the game. Any words of wisedom?
I just started Dun Dara and Right after I went to the tree in which lighting struck, Sir George Martyn did not appear. I tried logging off and logging back on, switching realms, even restarting my system. Nothing worked. Without completing this quest, I cannot complete the rest of the game. Any words of wisedom?
I spelled wisdom wrong. Sorry about that. Jenna Jadespear level 77 Thaumaturge
I know a solution!!! Once when I was a level 20 I had the same problem, but in Krokotopia. It turns out I just needed full bars internet connection to reboot the system. If not... Than Kingsisle has had a not so good server lately....