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PvP TournamentsTournaments are an extension of our Ranked Player vs Player system that allows you to match up and compete in duels with other players that will get you special rewards!
If you're level 10 or higher, speak to Diego in Unicorn Way - follow his instructions and he will send you inside the PvP zone. Use the Tournament Pedestal to see what Tournaments are scheduled. To join a Tournament, click the Tournament Name. You can join a Tournament by yourself, or with a group (if you are in a group!)
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What happens in a Tournament?
Tournament duels last for a set amount of time depending on the type of Tournament.
- A 1v1 Tournament lasts for 60-115 minutes.
- A 2v2 Tournament lasts for 80-135 minutes.
- A 3v3 and a 4v4 Tournament lasts for 120-175 minutes.
- A Quick Match Tournament has 10 minute matches and damage is increased each round.
- Classic Tournaments have no pets, no treasure cards and no amulets allowed.
- School Perk Tournaments give bonus to spells of a certain school.

- Each match is four rounds, and if your match runs out of time, Diego will determine the winner of each round based on how he calculates the remainder of the duel will play out.
- Each Tournament will have a set number of opponents to duel. You are not out of the Tournament the first time you are defeated - everyone will play four matches within a tournament!
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