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Advanced Pets
Have you had a chance to visit the new Pet Pavilion just off the Ravenwood Commons? Everyone can participate, however you must be at least level 7 to enter the Pet Pavilion. If you are at least level 7 and have completed your assignment to defeat Rattlebones in Unicorn Way, please talk to Merle Ambrose for more information. The Pet Pavilion is a wondrous place where pets can be trained, hatched, and can even raced against each other. Pets are capable of an amazing variety of tasks. The Pet Pavilion is the ideal place to learn about them!
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Advanced Pets - Hatching PetsWhen you get a pet it will be an egg. You will need to wait for it to hatch before you can equip it. You can see how long you have to wait for a pet to hatch by moving your mouse over its name in your backpack.
After your pet egg hatches it will be a Baby pet. It can gain experience to increase its rank to Teen, Adult, Ancient, Epic and Mega.
Your pet gains experience from playing pet training games in the Pet Pavilion. The Pet Pavilion can be found through a tunnel from the Wizard City Commons, close to Prospector Zeke.
You can play the four pet training games by using the minigame sigils around the Pet Pavilion: Pet Cannon Game, Pet Maze Game, Pet Drop Game, and Pet Dance Game. 
You need Energy to play pet training games. The Energy globe is next to your Health and Mana globes. You can also see your Energy by pressing C to look at your character in the Spellbook.
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