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Re-roll pet talent item?

Oct 22, 2011
Do you have a pet with "that one really bad talent"?
Do you think it could have been better?

Here is an idea that I thought many wizards would love:

And I know this may seem a bit op, but everything is by chance so...

How about an item that allows the re-training of a pet talent that was undesirable, like maybe an elixir or another "instant use" item in the crown shop.

This item would allow you to choose up to one undesirable talent and/or derby ability on a MEGA+ pet you own and have it re-rolled to another talent and/or derby ability that is different from the original ( one of the mystery talents ).
Each MEGA+ pet can only have up to one talent re-rolled.

It could be called the Talent Re-roll elixir or something.

Re-roll a pet talent
(Instant use)
(Crowns only)
(One per pet)
(MEGA+ only)
*insert other possible stats here*

Christopher Iceshard - Level 103 Exalted Thamaturge

Oct 22, 2011
I just noticed an old topic that basically the same idea:


I basically better defined the idea in the topic above.

I could use a little feedback on this idea, I'm not sure if it's a good one or not if there aren't any opinions to read.

May 27, 2013
Oh, why not.
If a wizard can buy an elixir to jump to level 50, why not have a re-do for pet talents?