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Looking for Spell-Defy Spell-Proof

May 30, 2010
Hello, I have the pet I always wanted which is to have fairy, and unicorn. I am now looking to add on to my talents since I have gotten more advanced in hatching. I would love if I could hatch with someone who had healing current, spell defy and spell proof. Or any healing talents would be a plus.

You know how hard it is to get the pet you want due to people always saying no ty and its annoying but they do have the right to say that because they don't want talents that aren't useful.

I hope someone will help me out.

My pets:
Beta Fish- Fairy, Unicorn, Spritely
Blaze Beast- Fairy, Spritely, and Pain-Giver (6+)
Leaf Foot- Fairy, Unicorn, Batusi (Life Bat)
Tempest Hound- Unicorn and Dragonblade or i have another one with Unicorn, Batusi and should get fairy at ancient.
Cold-Fire Dragon- Critical Striker (19+), Fairy, and Brazen Beserker (may cast berserk)

I have more than this but just thought id share the most recent ones that I've gotten.

May 22, 2009
I will gladly help. I don't have any pets with may cast healing current, but I do have ones with spritely, fairy, proof and defy.

Let me know the realm, and time we can meet. At this time I can only be on game between 8:30am - 10:30am central time. I usually check plants after I get home from work which is around midnight central time.