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Here's a great idea. Everyone will agree on

Mar 17, 2009
I think it would be awesome if Wizard 101 would make new games for the pet Pavilion and for the games to wear you get your mana back. Like for instance a fishing game, the bigger The fish you catch the more points you get. and for another game like hit the mole on the head. like they have at carnivals. That's just two examples but I think it would be awesome for new games .

May 17, 2011
radfjr wrote:
I think it would be awesome if Wizard 101 would make new games for the pet Pavilion and for the games to wear you get your mana back. Like for instance a fishing game, the bigger The fish you catch the more points you get. and for another game like hit the mole on the head. like they have at carnivals. That's just two examples but I think it would be awesome for new games .

where does magic come in on this?

Sep 19, 2009
A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
May 29, 2011
laulenak wrote:
radfjr wrote:
I think it would be awesome if Wizard 101 would make new games for the pet Pavilion and for the games to wear you get your mana back. Like for instance a fishing game, the bigger The fish you catch the more points you get. and for another game like hit the mole on the head. like they have at carnivals. That's just two examples but I think it would be awesome for new games .

where does magic come in on this?

Magic is not in everything in this game you know. How is a cannon game magic? ( I might make a post on minigames for arena tickets! )