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Reworking Bad Juju for PvP

Oct 16, 2014
First off, the PvE version of Bad Juju is fine and does not need a change.
I brought up the issue of Bad Juju being extremely unbalanced in PvP during Test Realm, so I wanted to finish off the discussion. What majority agreed on was the "25% MaxHP" cost of Bad Juju needed to be changed, but the new value was not discussed.

My findings are below but here's a quick summary:
  • Using Bad Juju in PvP was already costly to begin with
  • Due to the major health increase at level 130 from gear, the 25% MaxHP cost is even worse
My solution is to either change the PvP cost of the original Bad Juju, or add a new level 130+ Bad Juju for PvP only (similar to how the Scions are). The result, after some balancing was this:

(Adding along a pet with +22% damage and +15% universal resist to the gear's stats for reference)

At Level 75
Looking at a level 75 wizard, the level Bad Juju can be obtained, 25% MaxHP was actually not that much damage. While equipping Waterworks gear, this meant taking around 750-850 damage. This simply meant hitting yourself a +35% Wraith through resist.
  • this 3 pip spell is worth about 9 pips of damage
Conclusion: this seems somewhat fair.

At Level 100
Looking at a level 100 wizard, 25% MaxHP meant taking around 1250-1350 damage. However while equipping Darkmoor/Morganthe gear, your damage and resist do not change that much compared to Waterworks gear, as well you could now have around 30% pierce. Since there is a better chance to critical at this level, this would again mean hitting yourself a non-critical Wraith or a critical Skeletal Pirate, both with a +35% Deathblade.
  • 25 levels later and it is more easy to deal 25% MaxHP
  • this 3 pip spell is now worth 15 pips of damage, or 9 pips of shadow-enchanted damage
Conclusion: this is similar compared to level 75, so it still seems somewhat fair.

At Level 130+
Looking at a level 130+ wizard, 25% HP means taking 2250-2500 damage. At this level we have traded the damage/critical on our robes and resist on our hats for mainly health, thus once again your damage, resist, and pierce do not change that much compared to Darkmoor/Morganthe. If anything you can wear the Darkmoor hat for more resist, but then you lose damage and health. This now means hitting yourself with a Avenging Fossil (DoT included) or a 7 pip Grim Reader, both critical or with +30%.
  • 30 levels later and it is now more difficult to deal 25% MaxHP
  • this 3 pip spell is now worth 28 pips of damage, or 23 pips of shadow-enchanted damage
Conclusion: UNBALANCED!!!

Oct 16, 2014
The 500 Moon damage is based on level 75+, so if this is set for 130+ then the base damage should be around 650.