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The Teamup Cooldown

Aug 04, 2014
I've been using the team up kiosk to go for the badges and help other wizards, but there are some issues with the implementation of the cooldown that make it extremely frustrating!

1) Sometimes my game glitches and I just don't get teleported into the dungeon for whatever reason. I find that this has mostly been happening with the Tiki Store Room in Polaris. I think that this sigil can only be entered when one has the quest, but it's incredibly annoying to wait for the 2 minute countdown, not be teleported to the dungeon and then be stuck with the cooldown. Similar issues have also happened to me when I was waiting for my own team up and my game crashed right before we were supposed to go in. Once I finally got logged back on, I had to wait out the timer. Such situations are way too common and incredibly annoying when I am penalized for something completely out of my control.

2) This is particularly a problem with Queen Tanei's Cave in Zafaria. I help people with this instance all the time, but there are also quests where the player does not have to fight the boss within, only talk to an NPC. I volunteered for such a case earlier. The boss did not spawn because the person I was helping only had to talk to her. They complete their quest, left BEFORE I did, and I still had to wait out the cooldown AFTER waiting through the 2 minute queue only to not help anyone.

3) Lastly, sometimes the game applies the cooldown randomly. There have been times where the group has completed the entire instance and I have waited for other people to leave and I still get the cooldown.

The cooldown is incredibly flawed, and some changes need to be made so that people are able to assist others in team up easier. Beyond just fixing these bugs, I would also suggest making it so that you no longer get the cooldown after attaining the Team Player Badge, which almost guarantees that the person who would otherwise receive the cooldown isn't just trolling

Samantha Willowdreamer 140
Samantha Stormrider 140
Samantha Ravenflame 140
Samantha Nightwhisper 140
Samantha 67
Samantha Frostmancer 64