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gifting ideas

Nov 23, 2015
I wish we could gift others items that we already own. For example, I've had a few new friends who have recently started playing and I want to gift them mounts as they don't have the money to spend on crowns (they already bought memberships so they could play past wizard city) and I don't have the money to go spending crowns on gifting. Or at least be able to gift mounts that I can buy with gold. This wouldn't stop others gifting with crowns but at the same time would be useful for people who don't have the money to buy crowns solely to send gifts to others.

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before but I just wish I could help out my friends without spending more money than I already have on the game :// hopefully others agree with this idea!

Aug 03, 2016
It would be very nice but I think the reason we can't give things to other accounts is someone could hack into one account and empty it into a bunch of other players' accounts, sending them all their houses, stuff, everything.

Feb 02, 2020
this is a good idea but people would find a way to take advantage of it for the worse and i feel like it could break the game

Mar 28, 2019
Easy solution to you guys' concerns; add a PIN to it, and perhaps lock gift items for like, a week without some form of authentication. Would be a bit of work to implement, but hey, nobody ever said security is easy.