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lvl 58 spell bad nurfs

Oct 27, 2013
efreet is now useless to fire now that it has been nurfed too much with only 780 damage and 45% weaken for 8 pips, it was better before cause it help fire to guarantee a survive for that one turn some said it was over powered but the weakness of 90% could easily have been taken cared of with a basic wand attack that costs 0 pips.
so 0 pips and 1 turn for, an 8 pips 90% debuff on 1 target only and 1 turn was fair.
some debuffs were so minor that they are still useful but others are now made redundant to use like the ice taunt was useful for taking pressure off the others since ice can take a beating. as for leviathan, medusa and skeletal dragon they are still decent cause only the damage was reduced by a little bit. Ra sure it has less damage but it now has a 40% weakness to all and that is a big buff, not over powered still ok and then there is forest lord that just gets buff to damage from having 540 - 620 as it's previously was to now having 620 - 680 but I'm not complaining about the buffs it's just I feel like they nurfed efreet too much, I mean I wouldn't have minded efreet getting a damage debuff like , and got but to nurf the debuff that much now makes it pointless to use and may as well use king Artorius he does almost the same damage as pre-nerf efreet, gives 10% pierce and a stun for the same amount of pips. and got to keep their original second effects of remove 2 blades & 2 turn stun, so why couldn't keep it's 90% weakness, even a 75 or 80% would have been ok as well but no you had to completely destroy it

so what I think should happen is give back the taunt to the and ether return efreets damage or the weakness back to the way it was pre-nurf, or just return the storm, ice, fire & death to the way they were before.
My now has to rely on others to help as I used the efreets 90% in close call situations to give me some leeway in hopes I could ether heal or defeat the harder npc's in quests as that small 45% is not enough as the stages I'm at & I still die because of it and having to wait for lvl 85 just to regain some effectiveness is too much for my taste, I almost had my fire sorted but now that's a kick in the teeth.

as for those would disagree with this idea I don't care to hear it unless you can make a reasonable counter proposal.

if this has been put in the wrong section please don't say bad things as for some weird reason this is the only place it would let me put it.

Sep 19, 2013
A -90% weakness is bonkers. That made Efreet one of the best offensive and defensive moves in the game. It's like a dispel that affects the next damage spell, only:
It also deals a bunch of damage.
It affects all schools, no need for matching the school of your opponent.
You can effectively use power pips for it (for instance, an off-school dispel will use 2 power pips).
It doesn't leave a dispel shield.

Yeah you can wand it off, but then you just die to an FFA because your shield (if you had one) got removed by the Efreet hit. You also can't guarantee you have a wand hit ready.

The only reasonable proposal I could see would be to make the weakness stronger in PvE, but everyone else will hate that because then we go back to the days of an efreet -90ing the hitter from first on the round they hit.

Sep 13, 2016
Please dont give taunt affect to ice, in my opinion it puts you in a bad position.