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Wizard teleporting to quest objectives?

Feb 28, 2017
While questing on my ice through Krokotopia today, I encountered somebody who was playing 2 Wizards at once. That's not very unusual, surely, but what really got me was the way one or both of his Wizards was just magically teleporting to every quest objective they had, no matter how far away it was. They hadn't put down marks, either, they were doing this in dungeons like the Temple of Storms, too. They were even teleporting to reagents scattered around, too.

What EXACTLY was going on here? I've heard of some pretty complex magic during my time, but I have a feeling it wasn't magic that was enabling this player to do this. I smell a dirty, rotten cheater...

Jul 06, 2011
I have seen characters BEHIND the counter at the bazzar, I've tried to do it and cant get back there, just wondering how they done it.