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Apr 13, 2018
Will I automatically get 18+ chat once I officially become 18? Or will it be stuck as a 16 year old forever?

Aug 03, 2014
TheStormLife on Jun 3, 2018 wrote:
Will I automatically get 18+ chat once I officially become 18? Or will it be stuck as a 16 year old forever?
The Children's online Privacy Protection Act 1998 (COPPA) prevents companies from holding personal information of children below the age of 13, which is why accounts made below that age may be unable to ever access open chat. They are still able to have text chat as parental controls can even be used to over-ride menu chat and allow an under 13 player to use text chat too.

As your account was made when you were over 13 your personal information can be stored legally so when you reach 18 check your account settings on the website and find the box for open chat. If the option has not appeared when you're old enough you could message KI but it will likely be there automatically and just require you to activate it

The only other rule to it is that there must have been a payment made with a debit or credit card. Gift cards do not count as a card payment.

I hope this helps

Mar 11, 2009
Sorry, but one is stuck with the age they state at the beginning....I know, my 9yr. old grandson came for the summer and told me about this neat game....will, he went home and I started playing....down the road I decided I wanted to be able to have a conversation, but alas, no open chat for me....I am 9 forever.....but really 72!....oh well, still love the game!

Aug 03, 2014
Pink Bunny on Jul 1, 2018 wrote:
Sorry, but one is stuck with the age they state at the beginning....I know, my 9yr. old grandson came for the summer and told me about this neat game....will, he went home and I started playing....down the road I decided I wanted to be able to have a conversation, but alas, no open chat for me....I am 9 forever.....but really 72!....oh well, still love the game!
You're only stuck as a child forever if you were under 13 (or said you were under 13 when you made the account) because they're not allowed to store the age due to COPPA. Anyone over 13 can have their age stored and tracked so when they are 18 open chat will be available.

If you are under 13 you get menu chat but parents can change it in the master settings to text chat. It's up to the parent's discretion. Your account can't be tracked because you put 9 but you could check your options on the website to change it to text chat, at least then you can chat with people