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New Unicorn Mounts

Nov 19, 2009
I've spent many crowns to get the unicorn mounts, but now see they're doing exactly what the phoenix mount did (I sold all the phoenix mounts). On these mounts, the screen view elevates the character, which makes me dizzy. I see NO reason why this is happening with the unicorn mounts--they don't fly, which was the problem with the phoenix.

Not only does it distort the screen for the wizard ON the mount--all six characters are affected, so that my viewpoint is constantly above what I'm used to seeing. The new mounts seem patterned after the crystal mounts, which do NOT distort the screen.

I'm a grandmother and get vertigo easily, so this distorted, elevated POV is really uncomfortable. If it can't be fixed, I'll have to sell the mounts, which is what happened with the phoenix and hydra mounts.