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Tips for Devs and FTUE

Feb 06, 2010
Hello, forgive me for jumping the gun here; I know we are very far from our next update. I just wanted to offer a point of reference and some advice for the spring/fall update for 2021 - if you don't mind getting some tips from this miserable perfectionist, lol.

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm about the story. I'm hoping the FTUE is continuing next year! I want to note (because this is prone to be easily missed) at the end of the Cyclops Lane quest (titled Rescue Report), our Wizard is to hand in this quest to Merle Ambrose. But keep in mind that Balance wizards receive the Spirit Shield spell as a reward. No other school receives a spell at this time. I just thought I would mention this, it looks super easy to miss should the story get recreated - and I'm sure none of us want to rehash the Storm Lord quest incident from earlier this year, lol.

I also want to mention NPC Mildred Farseer on Colossus Boulevard. Maybe turn her into a hamster, or perhaps a fairy witch from Karamelle? I know it was expensive back in 2007 to make new NPCs, but when you have an exact copy of Greta Darkkettle in 2021, that looks odd. Imagine having two Dworgyns' in the game with different names.

The final thing I hope gets some attention is at least one thing checked off this list here. I understand that it takes time to create/add animation to revamped NPCs, but anyone interested in the story will appreciate the extra effort. Please check out the list I have linked.

I hope you understand my point of view and take some things I said into consideration. Above all, I hope you take the time to read this.

Nov 22, 2015
I'm not against FTUE updates, but KI did a sloppy job with it last time IMO. If KI does it again they should ensure they avoid the split questlines glitch that I described here: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/ftue-questing-glitch-8ad6a4277471ed630174894ace1e7363

When I contacted support about it, they asked me to name the specific quests effected. It was a pretty inconvenient request since I was experiencing the issue not only with multiple wizards, but also with a bunch of different quests on each wizard. Emailing them about every single quest effected is a headache and I really wish they would just fix the underlying glitch.

Feb 06, 2010
Fable Finder on Nov 25, 2020 wrote:
I'm not against FTUE updates, but KI did a sloppy job with it last time IMO. If KI does it again they should ensure they avoid the split questlines glitch that I described here: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/ftue-questing-glitch-8ad6a4277471ed630174894ace1e7363

When I contacted support about it, they asked me to name the specific quests effected. It was a pretty inconvenient request since I was experiencing the issue not only with multiple wizards, but also with a bunch of different quests on each wizard. Emailing them about every single quest effected is a headache and I really wish they would just fix the underlying glitch.
I can understand your frustration. I had a level 5 wizard that still needed to defeat Lady Blackhope to continue the main quest. After FTUE, they made her a side quest, which resulted in my wizard's questline frozen after talking to Sergeant Muldoon. By frozen, I mean the game acted like that was the last quest ever. The NPC did not continue. Since there wasn't much progress on the character, I just deleted the wizard and started a new one.

I love the new FTUE, but your right. The maintenance was a bit off. It's a shame that the new writing/design team is having a hard time with this. I hope they find an easier way to link old quest to the new quests, as they have proven that they won't delete quests from our wizard's log. KI please don't get upset when (if) you read this. We're all trying to help this game.