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Making Jewels available in the bazaar

Jan 11, 2012
So, I think this is fairly straight forward. I think Jewels should be available in the bazaar. It would make it much faster and easier to get them. Now, before everybody goes into a panic of me wanting to steal from KI's pockets, or that it would stop farming, here's my idea. Whatever level of jewel you are on now, that is not offered in the bazaar. Let me give you a simple example:

Because of your character level, you can use jewel levels between 30 and 40, but the bazaar will only sell jewels between 20 and 30.

This maintains you needing to farm for the best jewels, but makes it easier to find the lesser jewels. I have zero problem farming for these things when needed, but this way, I can find the not as good ones, and equip them, then farm for the better ones.