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Unusual movement when having Levitating weapons equipped

Sep 11, 2014

I had already contacted support for this issue and I was told to also post on the forums. So I am hoping that it will get attention.

When I have levitating wands like the Crystals (Auspice of Icewind Glade) or the skulls, the character runs abnormally, having it's arms locked (not swinging as it should when running). Moreover, when spinning, the body freezes while rotating. The face as well has a creepy look, staring sideways, back and forth.

*Your character's name/school/level: Michael ThunderBlood/Storm/94

*The date you first noticed this occurring: Day of the update i.e. July 22 2020 till now

* Name of the Quest as it appears in your quest log: The Smell of Prickly Pear

* The specific steps needed to reproduce this bug: Equip a "levitating wand" like the Auspice of Icewind Glade/DeathMetal Skull/Road Legend Skull and just run or spin, you'll notice how it moves abnormally. Happens with any gear on.

* Any other specific details you can remember that may be relevant: I thought it was a temporary bug and would be fixed by logging out then back in, but it didn't, and this happens only with those types of wands, otherwise the character runs just fine.

If you want my full gear it's waterworks gear but stitched
Skyscream Hood - Raven eye (headgear)

Skyscream Cape - Stormforged Mantle (Robe)

Skyscream Boots - Sky Captain's Boots (Boots)

Sky Captain's Boarding Hook - Auspice of Icewind Glade (Weapon)

Athame - Blade of the Felled Titan
Amulet - Shango's Stormblade Amulet
Ring - Alpha and Omega Ring
Pet - Enchanted Armament
Mount - N/A (The character has to run and spin)

Deck - Beleno's Chivalric Gallery

That's all the information I can give, since the bug requires movement I can't submit a screenshot but I created GIFs with Gyazo so you can check:
- Spin movement: https://gyazo.com/cfe65112bea9e27b7bff19fcd6fe3983
- Running movement: https://gyazo.com/e076974eb264e4d514dc3ece2d589a2a
- Weird/creepy Look: https://gyazo.com/27871ac35c0a30f93c7171927bb499e2

Thank you

Best Regards