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Pirate101 Transfering

Dec 31, 2015
As many people including myself have finished Pirate101, we have found little reason to go back. One thing that has me going back despite my membership expiring for Pirate would be my companions. I think what would be nice for Wizard is the ability to possibly transfer companions from your Pirate101 characters to your Wizard101 characters. For the most part, this would just be for house guests, but it would be nice to see them in a game that the majority of the people still play. The way this would possibly work is that there would maybe be an npc in The Commons or where ever in Wizard City that would give you the options to do a semi-transfer from one of your Pirates if that would share your Kingsisle account. A semi-transfer being the companion would come over to your Wizard but would stay in the Pirate101 account. You would be able to select a certain amount of companions to be brought over as housing guests and maybe using housing magic, be able to play their different animations.

The more extreme idea that could possibly go with this would be turning ONE of your companions into a permanent spell. The spell would reuse the Epic, Mega, and Super animations and would only be around a 5 pip spell for balancing reasons, I would not want to see these become the preferred option, only an alternative treat for people who have progressed far enough in both Wizard and Pirate. Obviously the spell image would also just be the companion slot image. The school of the spell should always be the school your Wizard is. The effects should do a varied amount of damage which would determine the one of three animations played. The weaker end would be the Epic and the stronger end would be the Super. Any utility would be possibly harder to implement within a formula so they can be left out if this idea is used. It would be cool though if the extra talents of the companions would translate to utilities. Like a companion with a heal would either do little damage then heal you for some, or just heal you. The spell's damage should also probably be partially determined by the Companion's Class. Buccaneers would be similar to Fire dpp. Swashbucklers would be similar to Storm dpp. Then Privateer to either Balance or Life, Musketeer to ice, and the Witchdoctor being death. Keep in mind, only one companion would be able to be turned into a spell through this method and should cost a lot of gold to do so.

An example of a spell would be if you were a Fire wizard and you choose old scratch. The spell would probably be a five pip drain and would be using Death's dpp but be a fire spell doing fire drain damage. It may or may not have any utilities depending on if that would be possible and be able to balance this. Another example would be Bonnie Anne as a Life spell. It would do the said Ice dpp and whatever else.

Honestly, I would be appreciative if even the general concept of turning companions into spells would be implemented, I just went a little more in depth to give a better understanding on how it might work. Even if we could just have the house guests, I'd be happy. I would like any feedback on this as to improve the general concept. Thank you for reading.