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New Transformations

Dec 25, 2013
When I first discovered Transformations I would spend so much gold being the enemies we would fight. But as time went on I feel like Transformations were the forgotten part of the crown shop, obviously still used, but no new additions have been added for a while.
So for this topic I would like to give some ideas on transformations we could see added to the shop!

Shadow Forms- When you hear the word transformation now in wiz, your mind will most likely think of the shadow forms first. With our wizards now able to change our form into shadows in battle, why not out of battle too? These transformations can be unlocked after completing Khrysalis.

Raven- Through WinterTusk we already turn into Ravens, so what should stop us from transforming into them afterwards too?

WildClaw- Wildclaw's were always charming to me in a way, I would love to see their animations up closer and not just being on a pet! (Though I do love the pet)

Troll- Trolls are great, I would love to see their walking animations be just like the pet counterparts, they seem so lively and animated if you just look at the pet!

I have many more to name, but I will stop here just for some examples cause I have one more idea i think should be added to the Transformation tab in the crown shop.

So you can turn into a Cyclops, Earth Elemental and more, but there are even more looks to those monsters now, its a missed opportunity to not be able to use their counterparts. What I mean is this: When you click a transformation, such as the Mander, maybe you can press the painting tab to change it's model to the other Manders in game. Such as the blue and purple Manders. Same idea with the Elemental, you can change him into a Bronze Colossus and the other types that are in the game!

Thanks for reading through, it would mean a lot to see more forms added to this ancient tab in the crown shop!

-Noah Hawkbreath