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Newbie BM Monster Mayhem questions.

Feb 03, 2012
Hi everyone. I'm new to Beastmoon. I think I have the basics of the strategy for the most part. But there are things I'm still not sure about. How to the blades and traps work? What are pushes and pulls? Is there a easy way to find a time clam? And care to share your top choice and second choice beast forms?

Oct 27, 2009
Mackenzie Moondrea... on Jan 29, 2023 wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm new to Beastmoon. I think I have the basics of the strategy for the most part. But there are things I'm still not sure about. How to the blades and traps work? What are pushes and pulls? Is there a easy way to find a time clam? And care to share your top choice and second choice beast forms?
Blades and traps are all straight damage, not percentages. If its +100 to next spell, thats +100 to whatever the spell is, so same with traps. Its something that removes the issue of people yelling, I woulda hit better why you steal my feint type thing..

Push a trap on you elsewhere, Pull a blade or trap .. Like switching what you got to somewhere else or switching what they got t someone else or you.. A trade of sorts, some trades are bad where someone switches the trap that was just added to an enemy (A +100 trap) with a worse trap (+50) .. So watch traps you switch so you dont give the enmy the small one and you take their bigger one.. I hate it everytime I see someone do that..

Well since you talking Mayhem, everything is about time..
So, forms that do not hit hard and fast are not that good..

Damage over time forms, DoTs eat up time..
Heal over time, HoTs eat up time, you rarely see a HOT successful enough on healing someone to make up for the time lost in the Heal over time working.. Most the time they just die again next round and you wasted your time and pips trying to heal them.. If you in a fight it's best to just hit and hope people join from other finished fights..

- Wasting time trying to save pips to AOE when you only got 2 enemies in a fight.. There is rarely a reason to wait 2 and 3 rounds just to do an AoE unless there are 3 enemies. Wave 2 in the Boss fight and Wave 3 in the boss fight is usually the only time to hold off on 2 pip quick damage hits..

You'll hear it a lot in Mayhem, 'Serious? you brought an ice form' or 'REALLY a Life collosus in mayhem? You got a fever?'

Hope that helps, and good luck your next event!

Feb 03, 2012
And I forgot, what are battle rings?

Oct 10, 2011
Hi Mackenzie!

I am glad you are enjoying Beastmoon, it is a super fun and rewarding event!

Here are some quick responses to some of your questions that I believe I can assist in answering:

(1): Blades and traps do in fact operate differently in BM. For starters they increase damage by a flat value rather then a percent. For an example, if you have a blade for (50) damage, it increases your next attack by +50 flat damage. This would make an attack that deals 100 damage now deal 150 by utilizing that blade. The same goes for traps, those too increase any incoming damage by what ever flat value it holds.

(2): Spells that "Push" simply means that they will move a specific token towards either an ally target or an enemy target depending on the type of spell and spell description. For the purpose of this example I will use two examples:

Lets start with Myth Rat, a very common class most Beastmoon players chose to play. Myth Rat has a spell that will push any trap on THEMSELVES and push the trap onto the enemy target. When used correctly this is a great way to counter other Beastmoon monsters who specialize in heavy trapping, as its a direct way to push the trap back onto the original caster.

Another example could be pushing DOTS (Damage Over Time). Some Beastmoon characters have the ability to push damage over time onto an enemy. Life Dragon for an example can take a DOT off of themselves and move it too the enemy thus pushing the damage onto them and off of yourself.

(3): Pulls are identical to push in terms of how they work, although they usually have different spell requirements they are generally in the same ball park of how pushes operate. With pulls the idea is you can steal or take blades, shields, or even pull HOTS (Heals Over Time) and pull them onto your character.

Death Fairy is a great example of a Beastmoon character that has access to spells that can pull blades off enemies and transfer them to herself.

(4): I am not sure if there is necessarily an "easy" way to find time clams or clock flowers. To be completely honest I would recommend just learning the specific map and its routes. By knowing the layout of the map for that specific event you can usually cover all four corners of the map to scan for time clams or clock flowers.

Like anything in life, as you practice you begin to become more familiar and attuned to the game mode. My best recommendation is to continue playing and learning and of course asking friendly wizards for advice on strategy or questions you may have related to the event.

Hope you have fun Mackenzie!

-Tarlac LionHeart

Feb 03, 2012
Thanks for the help! And if anyone has anything else to share, please do!